This site contains a list of resources I find and found helpful. I am not an expert in all of these topics, but all the resources listed here impacted me. I read some of the books quite a long time ago, so there might be newer editions out there already, and I might need to refresh some of the knowledge.
The list may not be exhaustive, but I will be adding more in the future. I firmly believe that educating yourself further is one of the most important things to advance. The lists are in random order and reshuffled every time (via *sort -R*) when updates are made.
You won't find any links on this site because, over time, the links will break. Please use your favourite search engine when you are interested in one of the resources...
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Table of Contents
Technical books
In random order:
- Funktionale Programmierung; Peter Pepper; Springer
- Think Raku (aka Think Perl 6); Laurent Rosenfeld, Allen B. Downey; O'Reilly
- Terraform Cookbook; Mikael Krief; Packt Publishing
- Effective awk programming; Arnold Robbins; O'Reilly
- Perl New Features; Joshua McAdams, brian d foy; Perl School
- Ultimate Go Notebook; Bill Kennedy
- Higher Order Perl; Mark Dominus; Morgan Kaufmann
- Programming Perl aka "The Camel Book"; Tom Christiansen, brian d foy, Larry Wall & Jon Orwant; O'Reilly
- The DevOps Handbook; Gene Kim, Jez Humble, Patrick Debois, John Willis; Audible
- Effective Java; Joshua Bloch; Addison-Wesley Professional
- The Practise of System and Network Administration; Thomas A. Limoncelli, Christina J. Hogan, Strata R. Chalup; Addison-Wesley Professional Pro Git; Scott Chacon, Ben Straub; Apress
- Java ist auch eine Insel; Christian Ullenboom;
- Object-Oriented Programming with ANSI-C; Axel-Tobias Schreiner
- Data Science at the Command Line; Jeroen Janssens; O'Reilly
- Clusterbau mit Linux-HA; Michael Schwartzkopff; O'Reilly
- Concurrency in Go; Katherine Cox-Buday; O'Reilly
- Learn You a Haskell for Great Good!; Miran Lipovaca; No Starch Press
- 21st Century C: C Tips from the New School; Ben Klemens; O'Reilly
- Raku Fundamentals; Moritz Lenz; Apress
- Pro Puppet; James Turnbull, Jeffrey McCune; Apress
- The KCNA (Kubernetes and Cloud Native Associate) Book; Nigel Poulton
- Go Brain Teasers - Exercise Your Mind; Miki Tebeka; The Pragmatic Programmers
- Raku Recipes; J.J. Merelo; Apress
- The Kubernetes Book; Nigel Poulton; Unabridged Audiobook
- Learn You Some Erlang for Great Good; Fred Herbert; No Starch Press
- Systemprogrammierung in Go; Frank Müller; dpunkt
- Polished Ruby Programming; Jeremy Evans; Packt Publishing
- The Go Programming Language; Alan A. A. Donovan; Addison-Wesley Professional
- Systems Performance Tuning; Gian-Paolo D. Musumeci and others...; O'Reilly
- The Docker Book; James Turnbull; Kindle
- 100 Go Mistakes and How to Avoid Them; Teiva Harsanyi; Manning Publications
- DevOps And Site Reliability Engineering Handbook; Stephen Fleming; Audible
- Distributed Systems: Principles and Paradigms; Andrew S. Tanenbaum; Pearson
- Site Reliability Engineering; How Google runs production systems; O'Reilly
- The Pragmatic Programmer; David Thomas; Addison-Wesley
- 97 things every SRE should know; Emil Stolarsky, Jaime Woo; O'Reilly
- DNS and BIND; Cricket Liu; O'Reilly
- Amazon Web Services in Action; Michael Wittig and Andreas Wittig; Manning Publications
- Tmux 2: Productive Mouse-free Development; Brain P. Hogan; The Pragmatic Programmers
- Hands-on Infrastructure Monitoring with Prometheus; Joel Bastos, Pedro Araujo; Packt
- Developing Games in Java; David Brackeen and others...; New Riders
- Kubernetes Cookbook; Sameer Naik, Sébastien Goasguen, Jonathan Michaux; O'Reilly
- Modern Perl; Chromatic ; Onyx Neon Press
- C++ Programming Language; Bjarne Stroustrup;
- Leanring eBPF; Liz Rice; O'Reilly
Technical references
I didn't read them from the beginning to the end, but I am using them to look up things. The books are in random order:
- Implementing Service Level Objectives; Alex Hidalgo; O'Reilly
- BPF Performance Tools - Linux System and Application Observability, Brendan Gregg; Addison Wesley
- Relayd and Httpd Mastery; Michael W Lucas
- Groovy Kurz & Gut; Joerg Staudemeier; O'Reilly
- The Linux Programming Interface; Michael Kerrisk; No Starch Press
- Understanding the Linux Kernel; Daniel P. Bovet, Marco Cesati; O'Reilly
- Algorithms; Robert Sedgewick, Kevin Wayne; Addison Wesley
Self-development and soft-skills books
In random order:
- The Complete Software Developer's Career Guide; John Sonmez; Unabridged Audiobook
- The Good Enough Job; Simone Stolzoff; Ebury Edge
- The Daily Stoic; Ryan Holiday, Stephen Hanselman; Profile Books
- Psycho-Cybernetics; Maxwell Maltz; Perigee Books
- So Good They Can't Ignore You; Cal Newport; Business Plus
- Ultralearning; Scott Young; Thorsons
- Influence without Authority; A. Cohen, D. Bradford; Wiley
- Time Management for System Administrators; Thomas A. Limoncelli; O'Reilly
- The Bullet Journal Method; Ryder Carroll; Fourth Estate
- The Phoenix Project - A Novel About IT, DevOps, and Helping your Business Win; Gene Kim and Kevin Behr; Trade Select
- Soft Skills; John Sommez; Manning Publications
- The Power of Now; Eckhard Tolle; Yellow Kite
- Solve for Happy; Mo Gawdat
- The Joy of Missing Out; Christina Crook; New Society Publishers
- Ultralearning; Anna Laurent; Self-published via Amazon
- Never Split the Difference; Chris Voss, Tahl Raz; Random House Business
- Staff Engineer: Leadership beyond the management track; Will Larson; Audible
- Buddah and Einstein walk into a Bar; Guy Joseph Ale, Claire Bloom; Blackstone Publishing
- Stop starting, start finishing; Arne Roock; Lean-Kanban University
- Digital Minimalism; Cal Newport; Portofolio Penguin
- Slow Productivity; Cal Newport; Penguin Random House
- The Off Switch; Mark Cropley; Virgin Books
- Search Inside Yourself - The Unexpected path to Achieving Success, Happiness (and World Peace); Chade-Meng Tan, Daniel Goleman, Jon Kabat-Zinn; HarperOne
- Deep Work; Cal Newport; Piatkus
- The Obstacle Is The Way; Ryan Holiday; Profile Books Ltd
- 101 Essays that change the way you think; Brianna Wiest; Audible
- Consciousness: A Very Short Introduction; Susan Blackmore; Oxford Uiversity Press
- Who Moved My Cheese?; Dr. Spencer Johnson; Vermilion
- Eat That Frog; Brian Tracy
- Eat That Frog!; Brian Tracy; Hodder Paperbacks
- The 7 Habits Of Highly Effective People; Stephen R. Covey; Simon & Schuster UK
- Atomic Habits; James Clear; Random House Business
Here are notes of mine for some of the books
Technical video lectures and courses
Some of these were in-person with exams; others were online learning lectures only. In random order:
- AWS Immersion Day; Amazon; 1-day interactive online training
- Protocol buffers; O'Reilly Online
- F5 Loadbalancers Training; 2-day on-site training; F5, Inc.
- Ultimate Go Programming; Bill Kennedy; O'Reilly Online
- The Ultimate Kubernetes Bootcamp; School of Devops; O'Reilly Online
- Apache Tomcat Best Practises; 3-day on-site training
- Algorithms Video Lectures; Robert Sedgewick; O'Reilly Online
- Cloud Operations on AWS - Learn how to configure, deploy, maintain, and troubleshoot your AWS environments; 3-day online live training with labs; Amazon
- MySQL Deep Dive Workshop; 2-day on-site training
- Linux Security and Isolation APIs Training; Michael Kerrisk; 3-day on-site training
- Red Hat Certified System Administrator; Course + certification (Although I had the option, I decided not to take the next course as it is more effective to self learn what I need)
- Functional programming lecture; Remote University of Hagen
- Developing IaC with Terraform (with Live Lessons); O'Reilly Online
- Scripting Vim; Damian Conway; O'Reilly Online
- The Well-Grounded Rubyist Video Edition; David. A. Black; O'Reilly Online
- Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs; Harold Abelson and more...;
Technical guides
These are not whole books, but guides (smaller or larger) which I found very useful. in random order:
- How CPUs work at
- Advanced Bash-Scripting Guide
- Raku Guide at
Podcasts I like
In random order:
- Dev Interrupted
- The ProdCast (Google SRE Podcast)
- The Changelog Podcast(s)
- Fallthrough [Golang]
- Fork Around And Find Out
- Hidden Brain
- Cup o' Go [Golang]
- Backend Banter
- Deep Questions with Cal Newport
- The Pragmatic Engineer Podcast
- Maintainable
Podcasts I liked
I liked them but am not listening to them anymore. The podcasts have either "finished" (no more episodes) or I stopped listening to them due to time constraints or a shift in my interests.
- FLOSS weekly
- Go Time (predecessor of fallthrough)
- Ship It (predecessor of Fork Around And Find Out)
- CRE: Chaosradio Express [german]
- Java Pub House
- Modern Mentor
Newsletters I like
This is a mix of tech and non-tech newsletters I am subscribed to. In random order:
- Applied Go Weekly Newsletter
- Changelog News
- Monospace Mentor
- Register Spill
- byteSizeGo
- The Valuable Dev
- Ruby Weekly
- Golang Weekly
- The Pragmatic Engineer
- VK Newsletter
- Andreas Brandhorst Newsletter (Sci-Fi author)
- The Imperfectionist
I have met many self-taught IT professionals I highly respect. In my own opinion, a formal degree does not automatically qualify a person for a particular job. It is more about how you educate yourself further *after* formal education. The pragmatic way of thinking and getting things done do not require a college or university degree.
However, I still believe a degree in Computer Science helps to understand all the theories involved that you would have never learned otherwise. Isn't it cool to understand how compilers work under the hood (automata theory) even if you are not required to hack the compiler in your current position? You could apply the same theory for other things too. This was just *one* example.
- One year Student exchange program in OH, USA
- German School Majors (Abitur), focus areas: German and Mathematics
- Half-year internship as a C/C++ programmer in Sofia, Bulgaria
- Graduated from University as Diplom-Inform. (FH) at the Aachen University of Applied Sciences, Germany
My diploma thesis, "Object-oriented development of a GUI based tool for event-based simulation of distributed systems," can be found at:
I was one of the last students handed out an "old fashioned" German Diploma degree before the University switched to the international Bachelor and Master versions. To give you an idea: The "Diplom-Inform. (FH)" means translated "Diploma in Informatics from a University of Applied Sciences (FH: Fachhochschule)". Going after the international student credit score, it can be seen as an equivalent to a "Master in Computer Science" degree.
Colleges and Universities are costly in many countries. Come to Germany, the first college degree is for free (if you finish within a certain deadline!)
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