This site was generated at 2024-07-24T22:37:51+03:00 by Gemtexter

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Welcome to the Everything you read on this site is my personal opinion and experience. You can call me a Linux/*BSD enthusiast and hobbyist. I mainly write about tech, IT, programming and sometimes also about self-improvement here. Note that this blog usually does not overlap with what I do at my day job as a Site Reliability Engineer.

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My machine uptime statistics

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Welcome to the Geminispace

Personal blog

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2024-07-07 - 'The Stoic Challenge' book notes
2024-07-05 - Random Weird Things
2024-06-23 - Terminal multiplexing with tmux
2024-05-03 - Projects I currently don't have time for
2024-05-01 - 'Slow Productivity' book notes
2024-04-01 - KISS high-availability with OpenBSD
2024-03-03 - A fine Fyne Android app for quickly logging ideas programmed in Go
2024-02-04 - From to *
2024-01-13 - One reason why I love OpenBSD
2024-01-09 - Site Reliability Engineering - Part 3: On-Call Culture and the Human Aspect
2023-12-10 - Bash Golf Part 3
2023-11-19 - Site Reliability Engineering - Part 2: Operational Balance in SRE
2023-11-11 - 'Mind Management' book notes
2023-10-29 - KISS static web photo albums with
2023-09-25 - DTail usage examples
2023-08-18 - Site Reliability Engineering - Part 1: SRE and Organizational Culture
2023-07-21 - Gemtexter 2.1.0 - Let's Gemtext againĀ³
2023-07-17 - 'Software Developmers Career Guide and Soft Skills' book notes
2023-06-01 - KISS server monitoring with Gogios
2023-05-06 - 'The Obstacle is the Way' book notes
2023-05-01 - Unveiling guprecords.raku: Global Uptime Records with Raku
2023-04-09 - Algorithms and Data Structures in Go - Part 1
2023-04-01 - 'Never split the difference' book notes
2023-03-25 - Gemtexter 2.0.0 - Let's Gemtext againĀ²
2023-03-16 - 'The Pragmatic Programmer' book notes
2023-02-26 - How to shut down after work
2023-01-23 - Why GrapheneOS rox
2022-12-24 - (Re)learning Java - My takeaways
2022-11-24 - I tried (Doom) Emacs, but I switched back to (Neo)Vim
2022-10-30 - Installing DTail on OpenBSD
2022-09-30 - After a bad night's sleep
2022-08-27 - Gemtexter 1.1.0 - Let's Gemtext again
2022-07-30 - Let's Encrypt with OpenBSD and Rex
2022-06-15 - Sweating the small stuff - Tiny projects of mine
2022-05-27 - Perl is still a great choice
2022-04-10 - Creative universe
2022-03-06 - The release of DTail 4.0.0
2022-02-04 - Computer operating systems I use(d)
2022-01-23 - Welcome to the
2022-01-01 - Bash Golf Part 2
2021-12-26 - How to stay sane as a DevOps person
2021-11-29 - Bash Golf Part 1
2021-10-22 - Defensive DevOps
2021-09-12 - Keep it simple and stupid
2021-08-01 - On being Pedantic about Open-Source
2021-07-04 - The Well-Grounded Rubyist
2021-06-05 - Gemtexter - One Bash script to rule it all
2021-05-16 - Personal Bash coding style guide
2021-04-24 - Welcome to the Geminispace
2021-04-22 - DTail - The distributed log tail program
2018-06-01 - Realistic load testing with I/O Riot for Linux
2016-11-20 - Object oriented programming with ANSI C
2016-05-22 - Spinning up my own authoritative DNS servers
2016-04-16 - Offsite backup with ZFS (Part 2)
2016-04-09 - Jails and ZFS with Puppet on FreeBSD
2016-04-03 - Offsite backup with ZFS
2015-12-05 - Run Debian on your phone with Debroid
2014-03-24 - The Polyglot
2011-05-07 - Perl Daemon (Service Framework)
2010-05-09 - The Fype Programming Language
2010-05-07 - Lazy Evaluation with Standard ML
2010-04-09 - Standard ML and Haskell
2008-12-29 - Using my Nokia N95 for fixing my MTA
2008-06-26 - Perl Poetry